AGM Minutes


Date:   25 March 2018 (Sunday)
Time:  12 noon
Venue: Universiti Malaya Academic Staff Clubhouse

Members present:
Saleh Ghazali (DSG), Gan Siowck Lee (GSL), Uzir Malik (UM), Simrit Kaur (SK), Mohd Salleh Haron, Szarina Abdullah, Khairiah Ahmad, Abdul Maulud, Mohd Khanif Yusop, Syed Farooq, Steven Chen Lee, Junichi Watanabe (12)

By proxy:
Tan Soon Guan, Lily Chong, Mary Huang, Wong Chi Nang, Abdullah Che Tengah (5) 


Thanks to Szarina, members present were able to watch a documentary titled “Save Malaysia” directed by her son Sheridan Shakir. Steven expressed his intention of producing a documentary film and requested for information from Szarina about the producer Freedom Film Network (FFN). Szarina referred those interested in this or related matter to the website of FFN.

After the movie at about 12.45 pm, lunch was served. The AGM commenced at about 1.30 pm   

1. Minutes of the Last AGM (2017)

The minutes were accepted with no amendment.
       Proposer: Khanif, Seconder: Steven Chen Lee

2. Matters Arising

Steven Chen informed the meeting that some funding is available for NGO’s which the association may want to apply for the year 2018. He will find out further details and inform the exco accordingly.

GSL suggested that perhaps Steven could produce a documentary which relates to the objectives and goals of EWC. This way, the association could use it as a project to apply for the NGO funding that he mentioned earlier. Steven agreed to look into this and will submit a proposal to the exco for further action if and when necessary.

DSG, Khanif and others opined that members of the association have various expertise which should and could be utilized by both the private and public sectors in Malaysia. They will look into how such expertise can be publicized and promoted to benefit the younger generation of Malaysians.
3. Annual Report 2016 (March 2016 – March 2017)

The annual report was accepted by the meeting with no amendments.
Proposer: Khairiah Ahmad, seconder: Uzir Malik 

4. Treasurer’s Report 2016

SK and Szarina requested the treasurer UM for details of expenses which are not stated explicitly in the financial statements. UM explained that the issued cheques listed in the financial statements are actually the expenses for which he can provide further details. As such, GSL proposed that the report be accepted in principle, pending later submission of such details to her, as she needs them for the submission of annual report to the ROS within 30 days after the AGM. The meeting accepted her proposal.  

DSG and GSL signed the Maybank form for request of monthly e-statements. UM will follow up with the bank.   

5. Election of new committee for 2018-2021

DSG announced that he is stepping down as President this year due to work and other commitments. The meeting failed to change his mind, agreed to accept his decision, and thanked him for his many years of dedicated leadership in the association. GSL requested that he stays on as a committee member to continue to support and help the exco, which he agreed after some persuasions.

GSL and Salleh Haron proposed that Khanif takes over the helm, which he graciously accepted. With this, the meeting agreed to close nomination for the post of president. DSG went on to propose that the rest of the exco members stay on for another term. This was unanimously agreed by all present. GSL then went on to announce the return of Jayanthi to Malaysia, and propose that she be elected to fill a vacancy in the exco. The meeting agreed and all nominations were closed.

The exco for 2018-2021 comprises the following:

Jawatan                       Nama
Pengerusi                    Dr Mohd Khanif bin Yusop
Timbalan Pengerusi   Tan Sri Dr. Salleh Mohd. Nor
Setiausaha                   Dr Gan Siowck Lee
Penolong Setiausaha  Cik Simrit Kaur a/p Amar Singh
Bendahari                   Dr Uzir bin Abdul Malik
Ahli jawatankuasa      Dato' Mohd. Saleh Ghazali
Ahli jawatankuasa      Tuan Lee Khim Nik @ Chen
Ahli jawatankuasa      Puan Chong Lily Lim
Ahli jawatankuasa      Dr Szarina Abdullah
Ahli jawatankuasa      Cik Siaw Mei Li
Ahli jawatankuasa      Hj. Mohd Salleh Bin Haron
Ahli jawatankuasa      Dr Baharuddin Aziz bin Aziz Ibrahim 
Ahli jawatankuasa      Cik Jayanthi

Internal auditors: Syed Farooq and Dr Wong Chi Nang

6. Any other business

With the exco reshuffle, the signatories for the bank account will have to be changed accordingly. The meeting agreed that the signatories will be Khanif Yusop, Gan Siowck Lee and Uzir Malik.
GSL will send the minutes of this AGM to UM for him to effect such changes with the bank.

SK announced that she has been awarded a full scholarship to participate in the 2018 Jefferson Fellowships program, scheduled to take place June 18 – July 10, 2018. The meeting congratulated her for her success in winning this prestigious and coveted scholarship.

GSL informed the meeting about the visit of the EWC President Dr. Richard Vuylsteke to KL from Monday, April 2nd (arrives 11:50 am) to Friday, April 6 (departs 8:55 am). The meeting agreed to host a dinner for him at the Royal lake Club at 8 pm on the given date 2nd April 2018. 

7. Adjournment of the AGM

There being no other discussion, the meeting was adjourned at about 3.30 pm.



Date:  14 June 2015 (Sunday)
Time:  12.30 pm
Venue: Restoran Kampung Ku, Lake View Club, Subang Jaya

Members present: (13)
Saleh Ghazali, Gan Siowck Lee, Szarina Abdullah, Syed Farooq, Lily Chong, Saleh Harun, Steven Chen, Uzir Malik, Wong Chi Nang, Sardar Ali, Saleh Mohd. Nor, Siaw Mei Li,
Baharuddin Aziz

Mayco and Rose (Assoc members)

By proxy: (14)
Grace Lim, Khairiah Ahmad, Maulud, Lee Chong Hee, Nezia Azmi, Abdullah Tengah, Anis Nor, Shahul, Dorothy Teoh, Simrit Kaur, Tan Soon Guan, Mohamad Shakir Ismail,
Poh Kok Kian, Mohd. Khanif Yusop

After the buffet lunch, the meeting began at 2 pm. 

1. Minutes of the Last AGM (2014)

The minutes were accepted with no amendment. Proposer: Wong Chi Nang, seconder: Syed Farooq

2. Matters Arising

The Honorary Secretary briefed the meeting about the de-registration and subsequent re-instatement of the association. The association was de-registered because the committee did not submit annual reports online as required by ROS since 2013. This non-action was a result of not receiving all notices from ROS regarding online submission in 2013. These notices were in fact sent to the old address which was changed in 2002. ROS accepted the explanation and re-instated the association.  Currently the association is still in the process of submitting all past reports, as various technical glitches were encountered in using eROS.         

The association is now awaiting approval from ROS regarding the two amendments tabled in the last AGM in 2014: appointment of an internal auditor; and reduction of quorum for AGM from 26 to 15 members.

3. Annual Report 2014

The annual report was accepted by the meeting with no amendments. 

4. Treasurer’s Report 2014

In the absence of the treasurer Poh Kok Kian, the President presented the report on his behalf. The treasurer’s report was accepted with no query and amendment.

5. Election of new committee (2015-2018)

The meeting was informed of Poh Kok Kian’s resignation as treasurer. The meeting recorded heartfelt thanks for his many years of valuable service and assistance.
The new committee elected is as follows:

President: Mohd. Saleh Ghazali
Vice President: Saleh Mohd. Nor
Secretary: Gan Siowck Lee
Assist. Secretary: Simrit Kaur
Treasurer: Uzir Malik

Committee members (8): Lily Chong, Sardar Ali,  Szarina Abdullah,  Saleh Harun, Steven Chen, Siaw Mei Li, Baharuddin Aziz, Mohd. Khanif Yusop

Auditors: Syed Farooq, Wong Chi Nang

6. Any other business

6.1 With the election of Uzir to replace Poh Kok Kian as the new treasurer, the signatories for the association’s  bank account will now be Saleh Ghazali (President), Gan Siowck Lee (Secretary) and Uzir Malik (Treasurer).

Uzir will effect this change with Maybank at Damansara Utama. The account number of 566664191-005917 includes a current account and two fixed deposits.

6.2 With the resignation of Poh Kok Kian, the secretary proposed that the association’s official address be changed from Poh’s former office address to a new one. Saleh Mohd. Nor suggested using a company secretary’s address. He will make the necessary arrangement.

6.3 The meeting discussed at length about how to revitalize the association. The following projects were proposed:

a)     The Secretary has collected mobile phone numbers from all present to start the EWC whatsapp group, with Mei Li as the co-administrator. The latter will also help in compiling the profiles of all members, to put up on Facebook or the EWC Blog.
b)     Uzir will organize the EWC Alumni Annual Dinner, to be held on 14 November 2015, at the Royal Lake Club.
c)     Bahar, on behalf and in the name of the association, will set up a link between seismology experts at the University of Hawaii and the Sabah State Government to help in the study and management of earthquake. The secretary will send him the association’s letterhead for all official correspondence.   
d)     The association will continue to stay in touch and work with the US Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. In this regard, it was suggested that the committee pays the Ambassador a courtesy call.
e)     The bimonthly exco meetings will be revived, to coordinate efforts in carrying out the various projects proposed. All members are invited to participate in these meetings

7. Adjournment of the AGM

There being no other discussion, the meeting was adjourned at about 3.30 pm, followed by a photo session. 





Place:  Restoran Kampung Ku, Lake View Club, Subang Jaya

Date:   15 May 2011 (Sunday)

Time:  1 pm

Members present (16):

Saleh Ghazali, Gan Siowck Lee, Poh Kok Kian, Hyacinth Gaudart, Lily Chong,  Khairiah Ahmad, Maulud, Chong Kee Chai, Szarina Abdullah, Saliza Abdullah, Steven Chen Lee, Tan Soon Guan, Mohamed Khanif, Clare Chan, Grace SY Lim, Jayanthi

By proxy (7):

Satwant Singh, Mei Li Siaw, Nezia Azmi, Abdullah Tengah, Shahul Mydeen, Simrit Kaur, Syed Farooq                                                           


1. Minutes of the Last AGM

The minutes of the 2010 AGM were accepted without any amendment.

2. Matters Arising

2.1 Muaz Omar was not present at this AGM. He also had not attended any of the bimonthly  meetings since the last AGM. As such, the collaborative projects he wanted to initiate involving the Selangor State Government Youth Movement did not materialize.

2.2 Poh confirmed that eight couples from the Malaysian Chapter attended the 50th EWC Anniversary in Honolulu in July 2010. The event was a huge success, well attended by alumni from all over the world. 

2.3 The Malaysian Flying/Flashing Thank You Project proposed by Steven Chen Lee did not take off because the bimonthly meetings to work out the details were not well attended by members.

3. Annual Report 2010

The annual report for the period March 2010 till March 2011 was presented to all present.

The report was accepted without any amendment.

4. Treasurer’s Report 2010

The treasurer’s report for 2010 was presented. It was accepted without any amendment.

5. Any other business

The meeting discussed at length about two possible projects for 2011/2012:

1)     Malaysian Flying / Flashing Thank You - A Universal Gesture for Thank You.This project was proposed by Steven Chen at the last AGM. After some deliberations, the meeting agreed to adopt this project again for 2010/2011. Khanif Mohamed will assist Steven Chen Lee in doing some video recording for publicity and implementation.

2)     Clare Chan agreed to start a Facebook for the Malaysian Chapter to help to link up with international EWC alumni. Jayanthi and Saliza will assist.

3)     Saliza is willing to start a project for developing women entrepreneurs, pending her return to Malaysia in the near future.   

6.  Adjournment of the AGM

There being no other discussion, the meeting was adjourned at about 3.30 pm.

_______________________              _________________________

President                                                         Secretary

(Datuk Mohd. Saleh Ghazali)                                    (Dr. Gan Siowck Lee)