Thursday, 27 October 2011

Recent EWC Events in Kuala Lumpur


I attended the following talk by EWCA President, Ric Trimillos on 25 October. The event was organised by Prof. Anis of UM, a fellow UH alumnus, and our latest EWC association's "honorary member". The talk was very enlightening and interesting, even entertaining, in spite of some unexpected technical glitches:

The Cultural Centre, University of Malaya (CCUM) Guest Lecture

Global Sounds/Asian Bodies:

The International Circulation of Music

Prof. Dr. Ricardo D. Trimillos, School for Pacific & Asian Studies

University of Hawaii at Mรขnoa

Date: Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Time: 3.00pm 4.00pm

Venue: Experimental Theater, University of Malaya

Enquiries: 03 79673454

BTW, during his talk, Ric made references to some music personalities most of us here in Malaysia are familiar with e.g. Anita Mui, Warren Mok, P. Ramli etc.  I got to enjoy a short clip of Warren Moks rendition of Nessun Dorma, simply wonderful! If you missed the talk, too bad!  

The EWC Alumni Association, Chapter of Malaysia hosted a lunch for Ric the following day, on 26th October, at Kampung Restaurant, at 12.30 pm.

The lunch party was very well attended by about 25 members and friends. The food, as usual, was delicious! Everyone had a good time enjoying the camaraderie, and reminiscing about the good, old days”…. including the newbies or recent returnees, one of them a second generation EWC alumnus! Lais father is an alumnus who was at the EWC in the 70s! (Sorry, I forgot her full name name, will have to get it from Poh who is keeping the name list of lunch attendants.) Also worthy of special mention is Vijayan who is currently working in Singapore and has turned up for the occasion to celebrate Deepavali with all of us. Then, there was Satwant whom we have not seen for a while because of his busy work schedule.and also Abdullah Tengah and wife who made a rare appearance!  I will put up some photos later for you to see who was there at the lunch party.

The highlight or most important part of that event was of course, a talk by Ric to update us about happenings at the EWC. I was too busy taking photos and collecting money on behalf of Poh (for the lunch lah!) to take notes, but the gist of what I can remember is as follows:

The new intake of students/grantees at the EWC in September this year is around 120, thus bringing the current total student population to a healthy 240 something at the center. Although there has been a budget cut by the US Congress for EWC due to recent economic downturn in the US,  President Charles Morrison is optimistic that funds will continue to come in. EWC will continue to play its vital role, especially since relationship with UH has been improving over the years after a rough patch in the late 80s and 90s. Many old timers whom we fondly remember have retired from the EWC. Sumi Makey and Rose Nakamura, together with quite a few other EWC retirees  are now happily spending their now carefree days at a very nice (and upmarket) retirement home in Honolulu. I will find out the name of this home so that I can try to save up enough money to join them there one day!!! J

During the lunch, I managed to continue my question (from the talk) for Ric about "El Condor Pasa", it's origin, pentatonic scale etc.... I also learnt form Ric that like us, the Hawaii Chapter's meeting is sometimes attended by only three or four people! So, we are NOT alone....

If any of you have things to add to this posting, please send info to me and I shall update accordingly. BTW, photos are welcome! Mahalo!